TFG 93: GA Lungaro - Cute Cthulhu Plushie by Rubicon Comics on Indiegogo, Plus Ezra Miller

2 years ago

TFG 93: GA Lungaro - Cute Cthulhu Plushie by Rubicon Comics on Indiegogo, Plus Ezra Miller, and more!

#cthulhu #cthulhuplushie #isidoracomic

On this episode of Taskforce Geek we welcome back friend of the show GA Lungaro who has a cute Cthulhu plushie campaign right now on Indiegogo! We’ll also talk, again, about Ezra Miller, we’ll catch up with Scott, and if we have time we’ll talk about the Google engineer that says they have created artificial intelligence.

10:25 G.A. Lungaro and the Cute Cthulhu Plushie!

21:30 Heroes & Villians Designs

G.A. Lungaro printed his books through the company of our guest in Episode 92, Krysta Crawford!

42:30 Should Warner Brothers Replace Ezra Miller?

Ezra Miller is being sought by police in relation to a grooming allegation with a 12 year old, on top of all of his other incidents. We ask what DC/Warner Brothers should do about his Flash film.

43:04 Scott talks about seeing Starset in concert.

If Starset is reading this... we'd love to have you on the show!

1:06:38 What's Up With Scott?
Scott and gang went to Springfield Missouri for Bloobowl Tournament Chimera Cup.
Also Warhammer and #starwarsouterrim

1:31:50 Google Engineer Says that AI Program is Sentient

We cover the new story from Google, but also talk about all the stories lately that mirror science-fiction apocalyptic movies and TV.

1:50:37 On Blast

2:00:00 Markus Pattern's 13 Shots of Whiskey comic

2:30:50 Heartland Blood #1 by Michael Pickard and Nate Wells

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