#052 Who Was Margret Sanger? How Did Eugenics Shape Her View Of Minorities? Further. Every. Day.

2 years ago

Physical or Biological Determinism will always cause the sort of societal pain that comes from stripping man of his rights as an image bearer of God. If we view people as simply the flesh that they inhabit, we will rob them of what makes them special: God breathed life and a spirit into each one of us. This gives us a unique value. This realization of the infinite value should move us to view every human as priceless.

The trouble with Secular Humanism that neither the value of God nor the value of man is recognized. Only the need for self actualization is acknowledged. So what would happen to a culture saddled with such a worldview if a certain minority were to be singled out as an obstacle to the majority’s self-actualization, whether through pseudoscience, religious innuendo, or avarice? We only need to look to recent history to see the results.

In the 1700s a man named Thomas Robert Malthus produced the theory that the exponential population growth, combined with an arithmetic food supply growth, would produce immense human suffering in the inevitable overpopulation that would occur. The Malthusian Theory of Population, when combined with Darwinian Evolutionary Theory, bred an incredibly dangerous atmosphere where man thought it best to play God considering God’s absence from man’s worldview. This playing God took the form of Eugenics, or Good Birth (Eu-Greek for Good, Genes Greek for birth).

Eugenics was rather popular during Margret Sanger’s day. It is important to remember that while she was a product of her times, those times are not that far behind us and neither are the propositions that motivated people like Margret Sanger.

So now that we have partially set the stage, let’s not use some Pro-Life source. (Unfortunately, in the zeal for the Pro-Life cause, so many in the Pro-Life movement are not always accurate when representing Sanger. We should always build the strongest version of the opposition’s argument when forming a response. Dismantling steelmen, not strawmen, prepares us to engage our culture successfully.) Let us use scholars like Edwin Black (not a conservative), Planned Parenthood, and most importantly, Sanger herself to look at the founder of the contraceptive movement that has evolved into the abortion movement.

18:45 Quotes on Sanger arguing for sexual freedom



NM Holocaust Video On Eugenics:

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