Clearing overgrown pond dams-Devouring trees & 10' brush-Construction attachments 42"brush cutter

2 years ago

I've been waiting for this for years!! Join me today for a very epic land management project as I finally have the weedwhacker from the eternals! For many years I've dreamt of owning a serious heavy duty brush cutter for my bobcat e42 r2 series mini excavator, but until now I have not been able to afford. But today is different!! Join me today in the cab (oh, and some cool drone videos to boot!) of my 2021 bobcat e42 R2 series mini excavator as I try out my new Construction Attachments heavy duty 42" mini excavator brush cutter on our severely overgrown pond dams! Today I'll be cleaning up the 'old pond dams,' that have been overgrown for decades. This pond is likely 50 to 60 years old, and has lots of trees and woody brush growing on it. While it is far too late to clear the trees off of this overgrown pond dam, it is not too late to clear all of the woody brush and overgrown brush on it to open up some new pond fishing spots, and some breathing room to be able to walk on the old pond dam! We'll also get some cool drone videos taken from my DJI phantom 4 pro, as well as some great in cab, GoPro Hero 10 videos. I think you will really enjoy this video! And as always, if you do enjoy it, please share it for us, hit the like button and subscribe to follow all of our very unique country living and land management projects!
I have not cleared these overgrown pond dams for at least 3 years. So there is significant overgrowth that needs to be cleared and cleaned up! Here is the video of our DIY polycarbonate safety windshield for this mini excavator brush cutting application that we fabricated on our own and saved a lot of money:
Also here is the latest update on our Rustic VRBO cabin build project that we
just kicked off:
Thanks for joining us today, and as always please hit the like button and share this video if you got a laugh, learned something new or just enjoyed some vicarious fresh air with our team! We would greatly appreciate that! Also consider subscribing to follow all of our rural country living adventures, land management and land improvement projects, Kioti tractor projects, bobcat e42 R-2 series mini excavator projects, Bobcat T650 CTL skid steer projects, old home demolitions, old barn demolitions, land investing, land flipping, rustic red cedar DIY projects, DIY rustic farmhouse decor projects, buying and selling raw land, our new 2022 Polaris Ranger XP1000 Northstar Ultimate riding videos, trail riding, food plots, duck ponds, wildlife ponds, watering holes, and much more country living adventures. Thank you! Kapper Outdoors, living the dream, one acre at a time. #kappervlog #kapperoutdoors #clearingland #landclearing #southernillinois #southernillinoisland #miniexcavatorbrushcutter #constructionattachments #miniexcavator #clearingovergrownland

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