SW359 Benchmarks - Karen B & Mark Sargent ✅

2 years ago

Published on Jun 15, 2022
This week there isn’t much of a rant because the show title pretty much says it all. BENCHMARKS. Since the last show gas prices in almost every industrial country were broken and then broken again.
I am in one of the top 10 states in the US when it comes to inflation. At the station right down the road from here I paid 6.29 yesterday for premium. Why did I buy premium you ask?
Because higher octane gasolines last longer during crunch time. Yes oil from the ground can be kept forever but once refined into gasoline it expires the same way milk does only it takes months, not weeks. Most people never see it but if you ask any mechanic they will tell you that indeed the octane of gas gets weaker until your engine can’t run it. Just ask them about old gas.
You might also ask why are gas prices climbing every single day without fail? Despite what you may hear in the media it has almost nothing to do with Russia and yet everything. Let me explain.
If you believe in the great reset (and I do) then you must know eventually all the countries in the world have to get involved in some sort of big war and that includes the United States.
The authority has learned over the years that getting America to raise their swords is never easy, mostly because we have two giant oceans surrounding us. They need special motivation. Raising prices on everything from gasoline to toilet paper and then blaming it on Russia is a good start because you are reminded of it every day.
And it’s working. There are video clips out there of people being interviewed at the pumps saying that I wish Putin would stop with the damn war. Real or staged it doesn’t matter because power perceived is power achieved. Russia has always been the perfect villain for the Western networks.
Will people start joining the military because they are forking over $100 to fill up a tank? Probably not, but they will support military action if pressed. It worked with Japan in 1941 and it can work here.
That being said, a few things I would recommend before I get off my soap box. First, don’t let your gas tank get below half. And really if you are going by a gas station and think you could squeeze in 5 or more gallons I would just do it because it will be cheaper today than it is tomorrow, or the day after that.
And while you are at it, start using premium, just in case you cut way back on your driving and need the car to sit for a while.
And also while we are at it, whenever you are at a grocery store buying a regular item you will always need more of you might consider getting three of that item because again, cheaper today.

Contact me directly at: msargent23@comcast.net 303-494-6631
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George Orwell
Tribune, 27 December 1946
Most people, if asked to prove that the earth is round, would not even bother to produce the rather weak arguments I have outlined above. They would start off by saying that ‘everyone knows’ the earth to be round, and if pressed further, would become angry. In a way Shaw is right. This is a credulous age, and the burden of knowledge which we now have to carry is partly responsible.

I live in a Magic Show with many Creative Forces Hiding God but I am in it for The Long Haul because I am more than another Soul in the System. The Lost Nail awakened me from blind trust in the Coat of Credibility, using my New Eyes and Depth Perception. I visit the Empty Theaters and admire Byrd Wall and all of the misguided Map Makers inhabiting the ol Status Quo when we are all truly dreaming of Shell Beach.

#flatearthclues #flatearth #strangeworld #globexit
science, technology, geology, astronomy, physics, education, flat earth, enclosed world

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