Francis, Prophet and Pontiff of Earth-worship. Abortion terrorism. Forbidden marriages. mission and tradition. Homeschooling Dad. Catholic cremation.

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In this episode of "What Catholics Believe," Thomas Naegele and Father William Jenkins discuss current topics and viewer emails.

First, there are many on the Immaculate Heart of Mary Prayer List who need prayer; pray for Jude and some elderly in our community who are suffering.

The first topic is violence against churches and pro-life institutions; abortion is the business of murder and has the spirit of murder; politicians who have made their career on “abortion rights”; indoctrinating children in perversion; the savagery of the devil in Roe v Wade; pray and be ready to defend against abortion; exorcism and the devils behind abortion; activists dominated by passions and malice; a court of politicians rather than justices; politicians who want the dissolution of our country; when criminals hold power.

Viewer email: sister in the Novus Ordo and dating a man who was civilly married and now divorced — can they marry?; question — were either of them validly married?; encouraging others to go to hell by approval of false marriages; the Church’s laws are straightforward and simple.

Viewer email: How can the SSPV priests offer Mass “without jurisdiction”?; to function in Church a priest must receive a mission; modernists cannot give a mission to priests; the Church’s supreme law is the salvation of souls; in times of crisis the Church empowers and requires the power of holy orders for the good of souls; “ecclesia supplet” — the Church supplies jurisdiction in necessity.

Viewer email: Can a Catholic man be a stay-at-home dad?; God established the Catholic husband as the head of the household and family; a head of household bears the responsibility to decide what is best for the wife and the children; dangers of a mother being a “career woman”

Viewer email: Can cremation be licit?; Catholic Church forbids; Novus Ordo allows; cremation was primarily pagan and gnostic; “Green burials”; financial motives; the importance of acknowledging the resurrection and respecting the body.

Final topic: The dominance of environmentalism; after COVID scare, climate fear; respecting the environment vs. modern-day environmentalism; leftist schemes for control and attacks on human life; environmentalism as a religion; Vatican’s Ettore Gotti Tedeschi — environmentalism the religion of the future; human beings now seen as the enemy of the earth; manufactured population control; Gaia as the supreme value; environmentalism and its ties to abortion; the devil appearing as an angel of light; Pachamama in the Vatican and St. Peter’s Basilica with prayers and processions; Pachamama the “Earth Goddess” and Francis’ “Laudato Si”; Francis, the One World Religion's (“Gaianism”) pointman?; the Amazon Synod — dripping with personification of nature; Francis’ promotion of animism (a pagan belief that spirits inhabit natural objects); Francis' new “work of mercy” for the environment; Francis and the desire for a different god; Freemasonry’s longstanding plot and their use of the Vatican; WEF’s Yuval Harari — now we have the power that tyrants only dreamed about; Francis against the “restorationists”; Cardinal Ottaviani to Paul VI — the New Mass rejects doctrines of Trent; New Mass will force a “crisis of conscience” and Catholics will have to make a choice; Francis — Catholics must make a choice between Trent and Vatican II; traditional Catholics must avoid the deceptions of environmentalism and relate all questions about to the environment to our Catholic Faith; abuse, wastefulness, and reckless pollution wrong; Catholic children always taught responsibility and taking care of things; mega corporations and politicians not a model of stewardship — selling poison and then products to offset the poison; Robert Hugh Benson’s novel, “Lord of the World — Antichrist’s acolyte, “Fr. Francis,” calling to a mother, creator-goddess; environmentalism destined to be the One Word Religion? Francis its prophet?

This video was livestreamed on 6/21/2022.

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