Thor: Love and Thunder (& CGI Arms) | What If... Thor Was Written as Racist as Possible?

2 years ago

Thor, one of the only remaining original MCU Avengers, is being emasculated and replaced before our very eyes. Chris Hemsworth is obviously going to be a side character in the upcoming "Thor: Love and Thunder" to Natalie Portman's new Lady Thor, or whatever her name is. When images first leaked of Portman's physique, we were all reassured that it was simply hard work and dedication of a nearly 40 year old slight woman and not Marvel Magic that makes her normally wafish arms look like Hulk Hogan in his prime. Well, new behind the scene trailers, official releases, show her arms are impressive, for your average Walmart shopper, but the tracking dots are a dead give away. Sucks to suck Marvel-stans, you can't beat physiology.

Thor in the comic books is now Black... in a "What If" story involving this guy names Miles Morales? Well, the writer doesn't recognize him as Spiderman, or a fully functional person, all he sees is "BLACK" and wrote the most unintentionally hilarious stereotyping of a black guy you are likely ever going to see in a mainstream publication. Words cannot describe how many belly laughs this generates or how many propaganda posters for the Klan this is going to inspire. An actual racist against Black people couldn't write a bigger cliche.

Bleeding Cool:

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