3 years ago

Praise be our god three times holy, who created us for that we're happy! His grace be with you!

The proof that God created us for that we are happy is that no man on earth that wants to be unhappy!

That doesn't exist ! And yet, how many unhappy people! Why ? Because they don't believe that

God loves them! The true joy comes indeed of the faith in God who is Love (1 Jn 4.16),

Communion of the Three Divine Persons, infinite joy that gives itself in Himself and to Himself,

and who even came to offer Himself, to Suffer, in Jesus-Christ, so that by receiving Him

we can in Him and by Him, also give us in exchange to the Father, and participate thus

to the life of God. In whom everything is joy, because everything there is a gift!

God created us to share with us his joy of being God. If we believe that God loved us in

Jesus-Christ, of eternal love, staff, unconditional, then it's good that we exist.

So and then only we can be happy. As Saint Augustin said; "You made us for You, Lord,

and our heart is restless as long as it does not remain in You. » True joy comes

of the meet with Jesus (Luke 19.5-10) who, on the eve of His passion, told us:

"As Father loved me, I loved you too. Stay in My love.
[That is to say: Don't stop believing that I love you]

I tell you these things so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy be perfect,

and your joy, no one will take it away from you. » (John 15.9,11; 16.22). Christian joy comes

from our communion with Jesus who loved us and gave himself up for us (Ga 2.20).

If there is no greater love than giving his life for those you love (Jn 15.13), and if happiness

is to be loved and to love in return, then we can be infinitely happy by loving Jesus who

liked us of the greatest love than exists. Jesus victorious of Satan, of sin and of the death,

is now infinitely happy in the glory of Heaven, while being with us every day as

He promised (Matthiew 28.20)! Since Jesus is infinitely Happy to Heaven, so too I am happy!

I'm happy because Jesus is happy. (John 15.9,11, 16.22) Such is joy of the one who loves Jesus

and that no one will not be able to take it away from him. As true as no one can to do

that Jesus not be dead and resurrected! Jesus is happy then me I am happy! Abraham had the vision

of Christ's Work, and it was filled with joy (Gen 17:17; Jn 8.56). He understood

that Isaac's sacrifice foreshadowed Death and the Resurrection of Jesus-Christ, and salvation

of all those who would receive the communion of Jesus-Christ. If in the gospel we see Jesus

to radiate of peace, of assurance, joy, charity, it is because He knows that he is loved by

his Father (Jn 3.35; 5.20; 10.17; 15.9; 17.24), in a constant and total exchange where

the Father goes so far as to give him the power to forgive sins (Mark 2.1-12),

to judge, and give Himself the life (Jn 5.21-22),

and by which Jesus gives himself in exchange to the Father in obedience

to his Commandments (Jn 14.31; 15.10). As well, they live the one in the other.

They are joy the one for the other, they are consubstantials (Jn 10.30-33; 14.10).

The Joy of Jesus (Jn 16.28) is the resounding in his Man consciousness of the love

He has known since always in life trinitarian where the Father gives himself to the Son,

The Son to the Father, in a common outpouring of joy that is Holy Spirit. (John 16.28; 17.21-16)

And now that the Christians are called to participate in this joy, that starts

as soon as down here and will never end. The message of Jesus promises before all the joy,

the joy of bliss (Mt 5.1-12; Ph 4, 4-5), which is not incompatible with events and sufferings

of this world, except with the sin. Because they receive a new meaning; (John-Paul II and Ali Agca)

in the certainty of participating to redemption of the world, and so one day

to glory Jesus (Rm 8.18,28). With Jesus and in Jesus, suffering is transformed into love.

There is the secret of true joy, that the

world can't receive (see Jn 14.17; 1 Co 2.14; 13. 6-7 ; Col 1. 24 ).

Joy is therefore intimately related to love. (1 Jn 1.3-4 Jn 13.35) We can't be happy alone.

That's why joy requires fraternal life and all the virtues that it make it possible,

such as loyalty, the perseverance in difficulties, generosity, giving more than the minimum,

and commit to in the service of the Lord, of the common good and the poorest.

This is how fidelity and perseverance in the good lead to joy. "Put your joy in the Lord,

said the psalm, and He will fill desires of your heart" (Ps 36.4). Beyond even what you want.

If people knew they were going to Hell, they would change their lives,

to listen The Word of God, which is joy for the heart
(Jr 15.16; Ps 94.1; 1 Jn 1.4; 1 P 1.6; He 10.34; 1Th 1.6; Col 1.11.24; Ga 5.22)!

'I will see you again and your heart will be in joy and your joy,
no one will take it away from you. ' (Jn 16.22,24)

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