My Mom | The COVErgeist Podcast Episode #1

4 years ago

My Mom | The COVErgeist Podcast #1
#mom #podcast #podcasts
For my first guest I could think of no better guest than my mom. Christine has put up with a lot of bullshit from me and she is a very kind, loving and successful woman. Some would say a saint after raising a wild child like me.

We talked about her world travels, her first loves and the story behind the name COVErgeist. It is my middle name, but it derives from a love story and a story of adoption.

I certainly funked up the camera angles and the sound, but the more often I do these the more I can dial it in.

I dont know how to make it a live stream, i think I would have to do it with webcams instead of phones. One of the cameras also died during filming... and unlike music I can’t go back and do another take... so it’s a learning process... any suggestions on how to do a livestreamwould be appreciated.

Thanks for listening and subscribing!

Covergeist is my grandmothers maiden name Cover and her married name Geist
It is also my middle name

Hip Hop Acoustic Guitar
ਨਚ ਟੱਪ ਧੁਨੀ ਗਿਟਾਰ
हिप हॉप ध्वनिक गिटार
היפ הופגיטרה אקוסטית
акустическая гитара хип-хоп
ヒップホップ アコースティックギター
原声吉他 嘻哈(音乐
هيب هوبالغيتار الصوتي
어쿠스틱 기타 힙합





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