2 years ago

Open Letter From the Desk of Peter Ticktin, The Ticktin Law Group 
There are two lines of thought in this country.  There are those who believe that the
election was fair.  Yet for some reason, those of the “Fair” belief do not tolerate anyone
questioning their belief.  They went so far as to borrow a line from none other than Adolf
Hitler, himself, to hush the other side.  He used the “The Big Lie” label in Mein Kampf. 
The other side of the population, of which I am one, believes that the election was
stolen with a massive effort.  We don’t have any cute sayings, like “The Big Truth,” but
we have more than belief.  We stick to facts we know, such as the way that 4 swing
states simultaneously stopped the count at the same time, when no state had ever done
so, before.  We saw when the count started again; it had a different winner of the
election.  On Election night for those who were looking, we saw the numbers changing
on our TV screens where Donald Trump’s count jumped down on 9 occasions by almost
400,000 votes in the swing states.  Once a vote is counted, it doesn’t usually evaporate.
Lately, we saw the very credible proof offered in 2000 Mules, and we more than believe
that the 2020 Presidential Election was stolen on a grand scale.  We know it.
I never called for Biden or anyone else to be hung.  My point was simply that if the
election was stolen, it is axiomatic (no other logical conclusion is possible) that those
occupying the White House are criminals who have committed capital offenses.  I am
just saying what is evident to a large percentage of the American public.    
These are the two possibilities.  Either there was no problem with the election and the
present administration is legitimate, or the election was stolen and that means that there
was an insurrection, but not on January 6 th . It was on November 3 rd  and 4 th , and those in
office are the true insurrectionists, guilty of sedition and treason. 
This is all I was doing, pointing out the obvious.  Everything you are seeing in regard to
the House Committee is based on the allegation that the election was not stolen.  If the
election was fair, and there was no basis for President Trump to have insisted that it
was stolen, he should not have said what he said.  If, on the other hand, he did have
reason to believe that the election was stolen, he was not only innocent, but he was
required by his oath to alert the American people.

In America, today, we have a situation which is reminiscent of the story about the boy
who cried out that the King had no clothes.  That story was not about the little boy, but
rather, it was about the rest of the population.  The masses can fall into a form of mass
hypnosis where they accept false premises.  Everyone accepted that the King had an
invisible suit until they were caused to question the absurd.  Sooner, or later, the truth
will be told, but for now, it seems that there are about 80 Million of us who have seen
the truth, and it will not matter how people are ridiculed with allegations of “The Big Lie,”
or told that the fraud was “already disproven.”  In that vein, no court has ever examined
the evidence.  The election fraud has never been disproven.
If you don’t like my reasoning, continue to do as you wish.  Call me whatever names
you wish and call anyone with whom I associate names like QAnon, or “far right.”  In
fact, whatever our beliefs, all we are seeking is the truth. 
Peter Ticktin, Senior Managing Partner
The Ticktin Law Group
270 SW Natura Avenue | Deerfield Beach, Florida 33441 @LegalBrains

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