Dealing with the Coming Hard Years - Epi-3709

2 years ago

All links, resources and the audio of this podcast will be available at about one hour after this livestream ends.

Today I asked the audience what they most wanted to hear about. There was a ton of typical permaculture homesteading type stuff but more of a theme of dealing with the coming problems, the ones everyone can see. While I am big on solutions over problems these questions and talking points are a great way to handle both. This won’t be a current events type episode, we won’t talk about Bidens Bike Crash or anything like that.

Honestly what made me pull this topic was one specific, question comment, from “Hitem20” on our MeWe TSPC Group…

I have been trying to talk to my friends/family about the economic melt down we will be facing over the next few years and most seem to be blowing it off or just playing Ostrich. I know you cant give financial advice, BUT what are you doing & how are you conveying it to loved ones that don’t see it coming?

Here is another one that spurred this topic today, my Personal Mewe Page, this one from “Odysee Camper”…

Some of the things we (or our parents) did to make ends meet during the Carter energy years. For example, Dad used home heating oil (no road taxes) and farm diesel in our VW Rabbit. We had a waste oil heater in the garage and a coal stove in the house. This subject may be too big on short notice…

Finally we had this one, again from the MeWe TSPC Group this one from “Tim Stanley”…

Don’t know if it would make a good show but how to deal with burnout, personal and political. Everything just keeps coming one after another with no break in between, which I guess is by design. How do you disconnect daily and for longer periods of time? How do you take a vacation and then reintegrate with everything going on when so much stuff happens daily?

Rather than a typical outline today I am just going to riff on these things, and I am even going to disagree a bit with John Pugliano on whether what we see right now is a “post pandemic unwind” vs. conventional inflation. I am going to say, IT IS BOTH.

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