Pinning the "Sassy" Way on Pinterest with Sarah Ankney - 06.21.22

2 years ago

TrulyYourVA with Janis welcomed to today’s podcast, Sarah Ankney. Sarah is a specialized Pinterest and Social Media Manager. She has been working in this field for over 3 years after discovering the benefits of utilizing Pinterest marketing her business. With her strategy, her clients have seen their businesses grow!

Sarah initially used Pinterest when she was with a direct sales company and learned the benefits of using Pinterest. She also explained what Pinterest is and what it is not. Pinterest is a search engine where you can engage with potential clients by providing valuable content. Pinterest is NOT a place to spam your potential customers.

Sarah also explained how to set up your free Pinterest account and recommends setting it up as a business account. You are allowed up to 500 words on your bio (choose wisely as those 500 words go quickly!) She also explained the good use of SEO - search engine optimization. Example, if you are a life coach, using words that come with being a life coach will direct potential clients to you; if you are a podcast host (such as myself; I currently host (3) podcasts) - have a board for each podcast.

It is also a good practice to follow people in your similar field and repost their pins on your page (do not hijack their post and use it as your own; rather share valuable content with your followers in a business-like manner.)

Sarah has a very clear, concise and catchy way of working with her clients. (She goes into great detail!) While Pinterest may be just the solution you need to grow your business, Sarah stated that Pinterest is a long-haul type of process and usually takes about 6 - 12 months to reap the benefits of consistent strategic posting.

Sarah is not only “Sassy” (as she puts it) but is fully invested in her clients’ success. It’s time to get “pinning” with Ms. Sassy herself!

To connect with Sarah further, please check out her website, Pinterest link and other various social media platforms:

I can’t thank Sarah enough for being my guest today and can’t wait to have her back on!

Let me know what you thought of today’s podcast - do you have a Pinterest account? Have you had any success with your account? Please go to my website and leave me a voice message:

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