The rapture will happen if you want it to or not!!

2 years ago

Jesus will leave people behind He will take only His bride those who belong to Him and leave everyone else left behind and God will pour out His tribulation judgements on the entire world, no one will be able to hide when God pours out His tribulation judgements on the entire world, the wicked He will destroy and make them suffer the most!! They will get stung by locausts because they do not have God seal on their forehead, all water will be turned into blood and poison, the sun and moon will not give any light, hail mixed with blood will fall to earth and will be the size of a house and will kill anyone it hits, volcanoes, earthquakes, tsanumis will hit all over the place and America will be destroyed and those left behind in America will be dead, killed or in prison camps, the 7 Bowl judgements are reserved for those who worship the antichrist and will get painful boils on themselves, the sun will sorch them with intense heat and they will all be killed by Jesus and the ones left will be thrown into the lake of fire where the antichrist and false prophet are, there are no wicked in heaven, there are no lukewarm dead church people in heaven or the New jersalem at all, no one who got the vaccine mark of the beast is allowed into the New jersalem at all!! The antichrist will say I am the Messiah!! Worship me!! If you do not he will kill you and he will destroy all the churches and bibles and have one world religion his worship of himself and if you do not have his cursed vaccine mark of the beast you can't go into stores at all! They will scan everyone who enters a store and will know who doesn't have the cursed vaccine mark of the beast and microchip! And they will throw those who do not worship the antichrist into prison camps and torture them and kill them and will laugh about it, that is why God will pour out 7 Bowl judgements on everyone who got the vaccines they will be full of blood of saints they killed in the great tribulation and will be very proud of it to so they will suffer the worst judgements called the bowl judgements reserved for those who worship the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of beast, Jesus is going to destroy Satan, all the wicked, all the dead Lukewarm church people and will not be nice about it at all, He will leave all the dead church people left behind because He doesn't know them and you do not show up at a wedding where no one knows you at all! You will not be allowed to enter same with Jesus, you did not get ready, you did not have any oil at all and you wore rags instead of the gown Jesus has and did not RSVP so sorry you are not going to be taken, Jesus lived in Israel and they did arranged marriages and the bridegroom would get the house ready for his new wife and then would go to get her and she would be ready to go and would enter and everyone would celebrate the wedding, same with God, He sent His Son Jesus who paid the dowry and those who truly belong to Him are His bride and He will grab His bride and the Holy Spirit and take them to heaven while the 7 year tribulation is going on earth and then He and His bride will come back to earth after the tribulation ends and Jesus will land on Mount of olives and will get rid of the antichrist, false prophet and everyone who worships the antichrist and will throw them into the lake of fire, He will bind Satan up and throw him into a bottomless pit and will rein for thousand years on earth and will rein with a iron fist, the tribulation saints will be allowed to enter the kingdom Jesus sets up on earth, they are not part of the bride but are tribulation saints and died for not worshipping the antichrist and getting his cursed vaccine mark of beast, then after the thousand year rein ends Satan will be unleashed and will get all the wicked people to rage war against God but will fail and God will send fire from heaven and burn them all up and will throw Satan and all his wicked angels into the lake of fire, then the great white throne judgement will begin and everyone who rejected Jesus will be there, the self righteous church people who acted like they were better than God will be there like the pharisees, they go to church all the time, give money to church, help missionaries out, their kids go to Christian school's and colleges and they think they will enter heaven because all their good works and going to church all the time, next will be the worst sinners these are jezebel, Kim Jung IL, Hitler, Nero, Stalin, Lincoln, Catholic popes and everyone who persercuted Christians and people will be there, the pharaoh of the exodus will be there to, next will be the mockers and scoffers these are the comideans, gays, lesbians and trans who mock God so much and make fun of Christians trying to preach and laugh at them, next will be the abusers, this will be all those who abused kids, wife, women they will be there, next will be all those who love magic arts, like yoga, talking to ghosts, harry Potter, next will be the murderers those who killed babies will be there, next will be those who said to God no I will accept Jesus later I have time I want to party first or finish my movie then I will accept Jesus but never did, next will be those who followed Jesus but decided it was to hard for them so they turned their backs on God and said I do not want to follow you anymore Jesus! Next will be those who never heard about God they will not be judged so servere as those who sit in churches and heard about God but never accepted Him at all, God will say Alvin Smith come forward! Is the name Alvin Smith written in the Lamb book of life? No Lord it is not found written, Alvin since you're name is not found written you have many sins in your life, you used My name in vain so many times, you left your wife for another woman and preached in church but my word was never in you, you twisted My words around and hurt so many people and their blood is on your hands, I never knew you depart from Me you worker of inquinity for I never knew you go into the lake of fire!! Those who reject Jesus will see Him again as their judge and He will not be nice at all!! It is not a game anymore and the tribulation will begin if you like it or not, thousands of people will just be gone and God will pour out His wrath and judgements on the entire world and no one is safe!!

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