Invertebrates found at Mud Lake, city of Ottawa

2 years ago

Short video about some invertebrates we can find at Mud Lake, in the city of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. These clips are not all taken on the same day, but they all take place in the spring of 2022.

The first clip is a rove beetle, a generalist predator.
The second and third clips are roaches.
The fourth clip is a spider.
The fifth clip shows some stonefly nymphs I collected from the rideau river, right next to the pond of Mud Lake.
The sixth clip shows me picking up a female dot-tailed whiteface dragonfly, species Leucorrhinia intacta.
The seventh clip is a yellow-legged mud dauber wasp, a parasitoid wasp.
The eighth clip is an arigomphus, a type of clubtail dragonfly, possibly a Lilypad clubtail, Arigomphus furcifer.
The ninth clip is another spider, possibly a lycosid, with an egg sac.
The last clip shows a brown centipede, species Lithobius forficatus.

But all of this is just the tip of the iceberg in the diversity of invertebrates of that place.

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