Evil Title IX; Evil J-Lo; Evil LGBTQ Guardians (Tue. 6-21-22)

2 years ago

[SILENT 21 SECONDS] Hake's tooth update! Patsy Mink was behind Title IX! Jennifer Lopez is a mess! Establishment supports LGBTQ Agenda.
0:00:00 SILENCE / Tue, Jun 21, 2022
0:01:41 Hey, guys!
0:03:17 Hake Teeth
0:10:18 Title IX, Patsy Mink
0:23:53 Jennifer Lopez
0:34:41 Supers: Brainwashed! Biden Gas Rebates
0:38:42 Based Japan?
0:43:27 Colombia goes soft
0:49:45 Pot smokers!
0:53:10 Vaxx the babies?
0:59:32 "I Believe in the Good of Life" - The Hidden Cameras
1:02:32 Hake reads chat
1:04:25 Dads take paternal leave?
1:13:05 Love is love is fake
1:18:19 Biden EO: 'conversion therapy,' 'trans kids'
1:29:53 Proud Boys(?) vs. Drag Queen Story Hour
1:35:59 Scott Weiner (CA) refuge for 'LGBTQ kids'
1:45:03 Bloomberg anti-2A op-ed, govt boycott
1:47:25 RICK, VA: Messed-up call
1:47:51 Kids got floor sealant, not milk!
1:49:09 RICK, VA: Sidney Powell, Bill O'Reilly
1:56:20 Thanks, all!
1:57:16 "800 Lives" - Everet Almond

The Hake Report, Tuesday, June 21, 2022 AD: NO CALLS UNTIL THE END! // Hake shows off his temporary crown after having broken a tooth. // The late Hawaii politician Patsy Mink pushed feminist POC victimhood in anti-discrimination "education" law for "Title IX." // 52yo Jennifer Lopez and her "gender neutral" 14yo daughter are praised for perversion! // Far-left foreign outlet The Guardian pushes the Gay Agenda in the U.S. on children, colluding with unchristian politicians here! // And other mess! //

MUSIC: "I Believe in the Good of Life" - The Hidden Cameras - Mississauga Goddam (2004, Rough Trade) // "800 Lives" - Everet Almond - YouTube Audio Library (Chris selection) //

Rick from Hampton, VA asks about Sidney Powell, then praises Tucker filling the shoes of Bill O'Reilly. //

BLOG POST and PODCAST: https://www.thehakereport.com/blog/2022/6/21/the-hake-report-tue-6-21-22

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