Rapmosfieryk - Lost REVISE (2022)

2 years ago

The poets voice lingers on
His words they fill the air
The ground you walk upon
Might as well not be there

As seconds count down on the clocks of Man
Satan stands vaccine loaded Glochs in hand
Our time is up can't block their plan
If you walk land it's time to leave the flock and stand
Up for Jesus in a toxic and bland
Badland of a damned plane where we're jammed
Expand your mind then you'll understand
The future of our land is candidly bad
We can't change or rearrange it with a simple rebrand
So the bad don't expand all of earth's gettin' canned
But turn your wonder to Gods plan He's created a wonderland
Love's loud as thunderclaps heavy as a hundred and
One zillion tons plus a couple hundred grand
All who blundered bad are damned to hell no gettin' under that
Yet through Jesus wonderous acts don't gotta be torn asunder at
The end through faith when evil crumbles by His humble hand

I'll take you through my dreams
Out into the darkest morning
Past the blood-filled streams
Into the garden of Jane Delawney

Personal investigation-based observations
Are the cause of my frustration with space-stations
I see disinformation next to forced inoculation
Mandates from foundations which support depopulation
Taxation inflation to the point of starvation
Cellular degradation from cellular radiation
You can't trust science and ignore the disputation
Yet they killing reputations for causing vaccine hesitation
A new variant how terrific its mutation
For generations, they planned this specific situation
Why else would it align with metaphysical innovations
A predication to monolithic tribulation
Vaccination is the abomination of desecration
And Jesus holds the only lock combination
I'm on the station trying to talk condemnation
And rock the nation with The Rock of Salvation

I'll take you through my dreams
Out into the darkest morning
Past the blood-filled streams
Into the garden of Jane Delawney

If you're born you die but belief in Jesus
Redeems us His blood sacrifice cleans us
Just look at me I was one of the meanest heathens
On the streets but now my raps the cleanest
Growin me like a tree to be the greenest in season
Sewing seeds of truth stingin like bees nest with bees in
God sees sin treasonously increasing
Wont let the beast win or those who find sin pleasing
Hes God Almighty dont think to be defeating Him
But believe in Him and when you die you get to be with Him
Talk to Him see Him rock out and kick a beat with Him
Suppertime at His table you got a seat with Him
Lies are the yeast the enemy has kneaded in
So share the truth with a neighbour plant the seed in em
Dont let your faith be bleeded thin keep it to succeed and win
Cause when Jesus returns you wont feel incomplete again

I'll take you through my dreams
Out into the darkest morning
Past the blood-filled streams
Into the garden of Jane Delawney

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