DHS Spends Millions on the Same GeoLocation Services as 2K Mules

2 years ago

Bill Barr: "The cellphone data is singularly unimpressive."

Also US Government: The Department of Homeland Security spends millions of dollars every year on this same cellphone location data for domestic surveillance, law enforcement, customs, immigration, and border crossings.

The Department of Homeland Security has used the information to detect undocumented immigrants and others who may be entering the U.S. unlawfully, according to these people and documents.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, a division of DHS, has used the data to help identify immigrants who were later arrested, these people said. U.S. Customs and Border Protection, another agency under DHS, uses the information to look for cellphone activity in unusual places, such as remote stretches of desert that straddle the Mexican border, the people said.

The Department of Homeland Security is purchasing consumer cellphone data that allows authorities to track immigrants trying to cross the southern border, which privacy advocates say could lead to a vast “surveillance partnership” between the government and private corporations.


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