4 years ago

Mike Balloun teaches today, 10/10/20.


VERSES: 1st Corinthians 11:29,15:34-36,42-45; Romans 2:5-11,5:17; Galatians 2:19-20



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VERSE 1 “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?” Throughout this Chapter, Paul comments on this imagined argument about abusing God’s revealed grace extended to man in Jesus Christ. Paul here begins to introduce a very clear understanding on the 2 natures of a born again/justified man. These 2 natures are the old man and the new man; the flesh and the spirit (flesh = the sensual body with the carnal un-renewed mind and is in contrast with the spirit which has to do with our spirit granted from God when we were born/conceived). We are not spirits, we are living souls, but we have a spirit. Our spirit is unanimated before becoming born-again since it is ‘fallen’. It is fallen, not dead, because it has some life, but it is comparable to being on life support. Upon birth and until we are born-again, our spirit has little impact on us. But when we are born again, our spirit is re-animated/regenerated/enlivened and we are able to commune with God by our spirit. God intends to deal with every Christian through their re-animated spirit, and here in Chapter 6, Paul introduces the concept of the necessity of ‘works’ with the additional grace after the grace of justification. The chapter is about rightly distinguishing between the two graces and how that relates to two justifications and two righteousnesses, along with an understanding of the two resurrections. All of which water baptism plays a key role.

The Holy Spirit, in the previous chapters, explained how sin entered the World through unfaithful Adam, and how sin brought the curse of death as a consequence to God’s Righteousness and Justice, and how sin and death are perpetuated through the seed of Adam. And also how Death now reigns over man in this World; both on earth and after we die, in Hades; the intermediate place of the dead in the center of the Earth.

God’s Graciousness or Lovingkindness, being His undeserved, unmerited solution which answers to His Righteous Judgment, is that a Second Adam must be completely faithful in severe trial under the Law of Moses, even unto death. Whereby God’s Righteousness and Justice might be completely satisfied that a more abundant grace (Romans 5:17) beyond the minor grace of the re-birth of the spirit, must be provided to the sanctifying of the soul and body, the determined purpose of God in creation and salvation of Man (the major grace which allows us to become a ‘new creation’).

And so as one man was responsible for sin and death in all of us (we being Adam’s seed) so Jesus Christ the Son of Man is the answer to; righteousness and Life in all that receive Him by faith as their substitutionary sacrifice for sin and thereby become His seed; justified in His righteousness with the gift of life eternal. (Under this seed of Adam, our inheritance is sin and death which is contrasted to the inheritance of righteousness and eternal life under Christ’s seed.)

Now a similar minor grace unto justification with the imputed gift of righteousness with eternal life by faith was extended to men in the earth before Jesus Christ; as Paul has already declared unto us; in that Abraham was the prime example. This is a little known biblical fact that far before Mosaic Law, God made a provision after Adam’s fall to be justified but it was in a minor degree in that the justification didn’t bring them back into the Garden. They had justification but not reconciliation. His grace/power extended was generally limited to this minor justification and righteousness; in that on God’s part, the Old Testament atoning blood of an animal was insufficient for propitiation for the degree of salvation beyond just life free from eternal death upon resurrection. That is to say that there wasn’t propitiation strong enough to give us more than free unmerited grace unto justification until Christ’s Blood was shed. Only His propitiation provided the provision of eternal glorious life unto ruling, that which God always intended for Man. The problem on man’s part was that sin was not seen as so sinful, as man supposed he was less corrupted than he actually is, and thought himself capable to answer to God’s Righteousness by his own merits and acts (as seen in Cain in the first place).

We have seen that God’s wise answer to this was to increase the knowledge of His Righteousness by the Law of Moses; that man might see the exceedingly sinfulness of sin and see his hopeless condition in its light; and thereby become contrite of heart before God; so then sin abounded....


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