sleep fast ,relaxing rain ,listen while you sleep #relaxing #rain #soothing white noise

2 years ago

@super petrol head
"White noise consists of a large spectrum of all frequencies that are audible to the human ear," explains Harris. "In contrast, pink noise —though similar in sound to white noise with its consistent “whoosh”-ing noise that blocks external noises—has less of the higher frequencies. Essentially, it is deeper than white noise." While there's limited research on pink noise, a National Library of Medicine study found that it increased deep sleep and dramatically improved memory in older adults.

While rain soundtracks are a sleep time mainstay for many, it's no surprise they're seeing an uptick in interest during the pandemic. "Stress levels are high, and we have active and busy minds that are hard to turn off," says Harris. "Sometimes just going back to nature in a steady, repetitive, non-threatening sound can help quiet the active brain." And as we're spending more and more time awake, rain recordings can also help block out other noises that pose a threat to sleep. In other words, it's never too late to trade the ping of push notifications for the sweet pitter-patter of raindrops. Your REM cycle will thank you.

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