Top 10 Most Powerful Animal Bites In The World

2 years ago

Top 10 Most Powerful Animal Bites In The World
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Top 10 Most Powerful Animal Bites In The World
النسبة غير متاحة.
عدد المعجبين
عدد المشاهدات
10 يونيو
Do you know what is the maximum force, a human bite could exert? Surely not more than 160 pounds per square inch! You may feel a little pain or your skin may break by a human bite. The question is, what would be the bite effect when an animal that has 10 or 20 times more powerful bite force than humans Yes, such animals with exceptional bite force live in this world. Here the list of 10 most powerful animal bites.
# 10. Lion. – Bite Force 650 psi.
As you know, a lion is regarded as the king of a jungle. But when checking the biting force, he is far away from other big animals in the cat family. Lion’s bite force only measures 650 pounds per square inch. It is considered weak when compared to the bite force of other big cats like jaguar or tiger.
#9. TIGER.– Bite Force 1050 psi.
Weighing up to 933 lbs (Siberian Tiger) tiger is the largest of all cats in the world. It is stronger and faster than lions. At 1050 pounds per square inch, the bite force of a tiger is almost twice as stronger as a lion.
#8. SPOTTED HYENA. – Bite Force 1100 psi.
A well-known scavenger of Africa. You may underestimate hyena as an animal that only feeds on leftover by other animals. The truth is, most time; they find food themselves by hunting. They have exceptionally powerful jaws. Their bite force measured at 1100 pounds per square inch, which is more powerful than lions and tigers.
#7. GRIZZLY BEAR. – Bite Force 1200 psi.
A grizzly bear is a subspecies of brown bear that inhabits North America. This large species of a bear stands 7 ft in height and up to 800 lbs in weight. Not just this great size, grizzly bears also have a keen sense of smell, long claws, and powerful jaws. With 1200 pounds per square inch bite force, a grizzly bear could easily bite through a cast-iron skillet, thick trees, or bones.
#6. GORILLA. – Bite Force 1300 psi.
Standing 1.73 m. in height and weigh up to 352 lbs, a gorilla is the largest of all primates. Despite the great size, gorillas are generally gentle and shy. But, in addition to great size, gorillas also have strong jaws and long sharp canine. Their bite force is also measured at 1300 pounds per square inch. You may ask why gentle gorilla needs such sharp canine
#5. JAGUAR. – Bite Force 2000 psi.
Jaguar has the strongest bite than any other big cats. Its bite force calculated at 200 pounds per square inch. That’s almost twice as powerful as a tiger. Jaguars have such strong jaw muscles.
#4. HIPPOPOTAMUS. – Bite Force 1825 psi.
With 1825 pounds per square inch chewing power, Hippopotamus has the strongest bite force than any other living mammal. The big mouth of hippos contains large incisors and canines. These canine and incisors measure 1.8 ft and 1.4 ft. respectively. They also sharpen their teeth by grinding. Hippos use their large teeth to fight with external threats.
#3. AMERICAN ALLIGATOR. – Bite Force 2125 psi.
Measuring 11.2 ft in length and up to 1000 lbs in weight, the American alligator is the largest reptile in North America. Not the size but the bite force makes American Alligator so special. Measuring at 2125 pounds per square inch, it’s the thirst most powerful animal bite in the world. With exceptionally powerful jaws, American alligators could tear the prey into pieces.
#2. SALTWATER CROCODILE. – Bite Force 3690 psi.
Saltwater crocodile has the most powerful bite ever tested. In an experiment done by the National Geographic team, the bite force of the Nile crocodile measured at 3960 pounds per square inch. Their mouth contains 40 – 60 large teeth. But not the teeth but the large jaw-closing muscles give saltwater crocodiles such surprising biting power. Their muscles in opening the jaws are very weak.
#1. NILE CROCODILE. – Bite Force 5000 psi.
It is believed to be the bite of a Nile crocodile is as high as 5000 pounds per square inch. In such a case, Nile crocodile has the most powerful bite than any other living creatures in the world. The long, powerful jaws are well suited to grab the prey. The sharp conical teeth along with a powerful bite make it impossible to escape from the mouth of a Nile crocodile. In that way, a Nile crocodile could take down anything that comes within its reach

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