4 years ago

Global atunement for the rising of Terra

Every Sunday, Liveon this channel at 6:55pm EST, with the guidance of our Galactic friends. Let us get together, as much as we can and as many times as possible, for the rising of hope at the horizon of our future. As a sun brightly blinding the shadows of the long and darkest night of Humanity, the people of Terra rise sturdily on the ground of this planet, looking up at the stars, heart beating loud and strong, smile on their lips and hope in their eyes.
Let us rise, people of Terra, inhabited by souls from the soil, or souls from the stars.
Let us join hands, let us bind hearts, and in a same song, all in harmony, let us lift the whispers of secrecy, and shout out lout how powerful we are. How powerful we all are.
We came here, in this moment in time, here on this third planet of the Sol system, not to witness, but to act. We are the privileged warriors chosen for the task. We are the soil and the stars, we are the past and the future. And it is now, all now contained in the present. In this moment. Together. Together let us rise, and rise the vibration of this planet, into the higher density where it will be safe, brighter, more beautiful than anything we've seen before. Rise! Let us rise together, linking our consciousnesses together, atuning our hearts, and shifting this world by ourselves.

Together with those who are watching from above, our brothers and sisters from the stars, our galactic family of light, we are joining forces to lift the veil of ignorance and fear. Terra, this planet, has a magnetic grid upon which is anchored an etheric grid, with the same nodes and web of lines. Each node has a correspondence on earth and is a strategic nervous conduit between the ground and the external sheet of the magnetic grid. As everything in the multiverse, this grid has the shape of a torrus, or an apple if you wish. All energy is created inside and flows outwards, in a continual fountain shaped current. Every time we activate our higher frequencies, from the ground, it echoes in the whole structure of the grid. When we join together in a simultaneous rising of frequency, it is so powerful that it shivers all the nodes, and the magneto-etheric grid is energized. We are in total interaction and interconnection with our environment, visible and invisible. When we get together for global meditations, the galactic beings on orbit of Earth witness the magnificence and the power of our actions. Together with them, let us join forces, let us join hearts, beyond all magnificence...

"Yes, we see it, it’s like bubbles of light, coloured lights most of the time, green or gold, white sometimes, coming from different parts of your planet. It rises… in the ionosphere, and then upwards, this is very beautiful to see. We like to see that, because it gives us hope and courage, and it helps us doing our work. You need to gather together, connecting by the thoughts, by your mind, quantumly. I see Terrans do that. And it helps us. You know, it takes a certain amount of Terrans sending light together, being tuned into the high frequency, to reach a turning point and change everything. The more often you do it, the stronger you spread the message to awaken, to radiate light in a higher frequency. You are at the tipping point; you are able to do it yourself, for your planet. All I can say is that it’s very beautiful to see. It’s like if we could even touch it sometimes. It’s like ripples, you know, when you throw a stone in a liquid, that’s what we see, when you do these meditations, as you call them. It is not meditation the right word, it is “light work”, it’s an attunement into the higher frequency. That’s where we want to take you, to help you to go there. Because you will be protected from the lower forces of darkness, invisible."

Thor Han Eredyon – Fleet Commander - Galactic Federation of Worlds

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