Be aware that the NWO AntiChrist could be a transvestite and the False-Prophet may look Scandinavian

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (June 2022). For all the Western feminist nations' apostate harlot Church's religious Christian hordes, who are redefining Bible verses and rebelling against women's head coverings so that your heads are controlled by the fallen angels to stick your middle finger up at God for your goddess Jezebel, and who will be left behind on the earth after we real Christians finish our warnings and are raptured up to heaven, just remember that the AntiChrist may be a transgender transvestite like the ancient nephilim giants, and the False-Prophet may not be Jewish, but he may look like a Western feminist nations' Scandinavian religious Christian. End of transmission…

There was a very small bruise on the skin of the lower edge of my left eye, and couple of blood stains on my left chin from small cuts, but nothing much. They did zap me with an EMP strike or spiritual attack on my right shoulder when I bent down in the usual location in front of the bathroom sink. Like I said, they are cowards. Satan Lucifer’s grand mighty noble pervert astral molester hell’s army may have come. All the lover level diagonal ropes on the middle and lower and upper magnets were removed, and the other horizontal ropes were loose. The upper level middle ropes were pulled off, but I am not sure if that is from moving around or deliberately pulled off. They seem to be back to their cycle of now attacking my left leg, because the skin on the corners of my large toe and index toe are hardened and dry and causes discomfort for walking. I did not notice anyone punching my head while I slept last night. Maybe they are making their rounds to hundreds of other human children to punch them by placing them in deep sleep, in order to subconsciously create a traumatized human populace. Satan Lucifer’s grand mighty noble fruit fly hell’s army just appeared, but it seems to have disappeared when I opened my hands. All windows and doors are closed, so they may be coming in through the vents or sewer pipes or air conditioner drainage or some other small crevice or teleporting in. The battle continues with Satan Lucifer’s hell’s army of weirdos and freaks and perverts and pedophiles and psychopaths and cowards and lunatics, while the Western feminist nations’ religious Christian hordes, who are redefining Bible verses and rebelling against women’s head coverings, laugh and are entertained by their church corporation CEO pastors’ sermon jokes. End of transmission… ***

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