17 Stages Of Minimalism

4 years ago

There are stages of minimalism that almost all of us go though. over the past year as I've been on a journey towards living a more minimalistic life I realize that there's stages of minimalism that I have gone through and looking around and talking with other people I have discovered that other people go through a lot of stages of minimalism as well well they might not be the same for everyone I believe you'll be able to relate to some most or even all of these!
Thanks for watching!

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Fellow Creators shown in this video without there knowledge.
Matt D'Avella https://www.youtube.com/user/blackboxfilmcompany
Ronald L. Banks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqN9KTs9pdTWw7i31eBNv4w
Ashlynne Eaton https://www.youtube.com/user/bcle11
Inspiration for this video style The Minimalists https://youtu.be/eERF_Rsmmno

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