The Atlantis Code - Sumer & the Maya (a lecture by: Jonathan Barlow Gee)

4 years ago

The Atlantis Code - Sumer & the Maya
a lecture by: Jonathan Barlow Gee
(originally © 2010)

session 01:
Pre-History = 00:00:13
(11,000 - 7000 years ago)

session 02:
Sumerian Civilization
(7000 - 6000 years ago)
part 01:
the Sumerians = 00:08:46

session 02:
Sumerian Civilization
(7000 - 6000 years ago)
part 02:
the God: Shammash-Utu = 00:11:22

session 02:
Sumerian Civilization
(7000 - 6000 years ago)
part 03:
the Devil: Tiamat = 00:20:37

session 02A:
South American Civilization = 00:31:50
(10,240 - 5114 years ago)

session 02B:
Meso-American Civilization = 00:39:16
(5114 years ago - 2012YP)

session 03:
Before the Deluge
(11,000 - 6000 years ago)
part 01: pre-history = 00:46:42

session 03A:
the Annunaki & Nefilim in Sumerian Myth = 00:51:02
(pre-history- 4000 years ago)

session 03B:
the Xibalbe & Kukulkan in Mayan Myth = 00:57:32
(pre-history - 4113 years ago)

session 03C:
the Sumerian & Mayan Pantheons = 01:03:18
(a comparative study)

session 04A:
Nibiru / Tiamat = 01:10:20
(Sumerian Myth)

session 04B:
the Fifth Sun = 01:14:06
(the Mayan Calendar)

session 05:
the lid of Pacal Votan and the Arecibo Message & Reply = 01:19:58

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