More Rome Rumors! Plus Still Waiting on Roe

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Today on "Catholic Drive Time"

Rumors are flying … again... on Pope Francis retiring but, what about a blessing for a same sex couple under the approval of Cardinal Zuppi? Edward Pentin joins us.
A new Israeli study co-authored by seven doctors has concluded that male fertility is reduced for several months following Pfizer’s COVID-19 injection.
Disney-owned Pixar's latest animated film "Lightyear" was expected to blast off last weekend, but ended up falling way short of box office expectations.
Kremlin says two US veterans captured by Russians in Ukraine are NOT protected by Geneva Convention guaranteeing humane treatment because they were 'soldiers of fortune' who weren't enlisted in military
Gay Couple gives the homily... a Lay 'reflection' raises doctrinal, liturgical questions in Chicago archdiocese

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What’s Concerning Us – Catching up
Lay folk giving the homily....
A Gay couple gives the homily at a Mass on Father’s day in Chicago
Disney's 'Lightyear' FLOPS at box office and the left can't figure out WHY

Guest Seg. Edward Pentin – Rome correspondent for @NCRegister, a service of @EWTN. Author of ‘The Next Pope.’ – Vatican News
Rumors of Pope Francis Retiring … again?
Cardinal Zuppi approved Same sex Blessings?
Vaccine Injuries in Italy?

2nd Guest Seg. Brent Haynes - Prolife
- Freedom of Speech
- Space X firing?
Supreme Court next term?

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