Strange Purple Street Lights?! Malfunction, Conspiracy, Aliens, Demons or “Something Else”?😱😬😳😂

2 years ago

Ok, this is just for fun - It's a Joke.

I've heard about these purple street lights popping up in various places around the country. I was driving the other night and finally saw some with my own eyes. They definitely do look out of place, and strange. It instantly reminded me of a Feeder Light, and I thought I just had to make a funny video about these crazy purple lights! This is my attempt at doing so, hopefully you get a laugh out of it!

When I recorded this, it was approximately 35 degrees and at around 2:00am in the morning. I was hoping there would not be any traffic.... I was wrong, and there was still a decent, steady, number of cars periodically passing by. I wonder what those people were thinking while driving by some random guy (me) at that time of the morning, wearing a Tin Foil Hat, under those purple lights? I'm sure they thought I escaped from the Looney Bin or something!

Thankfully, this wasn’t actually an Alien Abduction Video, and I did not actually get beamed into a UFO to become some Alien Invaders’ dinner, or worse, get probed by aliens! 😬😳 Even though they are likely just a harmless light anomaly, it really was a little spooky under those. That’s probably just from the buzz created by all the Conspiracy Theories surrounding these “Strange Lights In the Sky”....

I am aware of the "controversy" surrounding these purple street lights and the various theories about them that have been put out there. I kind of have an Occam's razor view on the phenomenon, and believe that it probably is actually just bad or malfunctioning lights. I mean seriously, what do you expect from a product that was brought to you by the lowest bidder, or worse, a product brought to you by some shady, back-room, insider deal. Who knows how, or why, theses contracts are actually given - I certainly don't. Having said that, given the amount of corrupt politicians and officials out there, I would not put anything past these people, so I don't necessarily completely discount anyone else's theories about what goes on in our world - I always have an open mind. There are evil people in this world, and many of them are in powerful positions, so I try not to immediately dismiss the posability of nefarious intentions when it comes to stuff like this. Of course conspiracies do exist. But, not everything is a conspiracy, and likewise, not every conspiracy is just a theory!

Thank you for Watching!!!

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