Judgment seat of Christ and the fiery trial that proceeds it.

2 years ago

In this study we look at who are the 100 million souls in line to be Judged by Jesus at the 7th Bowl last day. We also compare them to the 100 billion people who have ever lived. We look at how the Bible passages numbers match and how that helps our understanding. For example 2 Cor 5:9-11 is Rom 14:9-11 and is Dan 7:9-11. Also the 42 month war on Christianity begins in Rev 6:9-11 as is the number of Christian martyrs is mentioned in Rev 7:9-11. This study gives understanding to Dan 12:1-3 as well.
Here is the link to this short study at KeepandShare.com: https://www.keepandshare.com/doc4/130014/the-judgment-seat-of-christ-and-the-fiery-trial-that-precedes-it-png-575k?da=y
Here is the link to my share page at KeepandShare.com where you will have access to over 750 of my last days short studies to utilize any way that you would like: https://www.keepandshare.com/doc4/show.php?i=2617550&sh=n

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