Google is spying on you.

2 years ago

When I tried to log in to my youtube account this morning both youtube and gmail were locked out. Google demanded that I let them send a unlock code to my smartphone. It's really messed up that they wanted to send this to a phone without a phone number or to one without a sim card installed. The phone they had listed was my girlfriends old BLU smartphone that I make my videos on. It did not even need to be connected to the internet or have a sim card for this phone to unlock my account. This phone is only used for me making my videos and that's all. It makes me wonder what google was looking for, and who asked them to check this phone. I always knew that google spied, but them wanting access to a phone that does not even have a phone number or sim card. Makes me wonder what they could find on someones phone that does have a number and a sim card.

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