Dr. Reiner Fuellmich & Dr. Paul E. Marik

2 years ago

June 18, 2022
Source: www.odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/Session-109-Marik-Odysee-final:6

Dr. Paul E. Marik - Physician and former Professor of Medicine Pulmonary and Critical Care Specialist Chairman and Founding Member of the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance)

As one of the developers of
- the MATH+ protocol for the treatment of the hospitalized patients with COVID, the I-CURE protocol for the home treatment of COVID and

- the I-Recover protocol for the management of the vaccine injured, he wants to discuss how complex of a disease Covid in fact is, in his prof. experience, and how one does this case of actual Crimes Against Humanity injustice by not taking it into account. [Wolfgang assistiert mit Nachfragen]

The Corona Committee was founded on the initiative of attorney and economist Viviane Fischer and attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. It is conducting a review of evidence on the Corona crisis and measures.

Learn more about the committee:

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