Progress on WORLDS

3 years ago

I have found a good name for my engine, it is going to be called Worlds, stylized as WORLDS, there has been some progress with my engine lately, I have changed my rendering library from FreeGLUT to SDL, it is really good for making engines, FreeGLUT is really not that great for it, only for demos made in OpenGL.

Anyways, I decided to rewrite my engine but made it use SDL this time, so now my engine no longer needs FreeGLUT to run but SDL, and of course, I took the time to clean some code and improve some stuff. I am showing the differences before the rewrite, and after the rewrite, as you can notice, I have reduced the walking speed, and I have improved the collision of walls.

And I have made a custom format for custom sprites, the cat you see there is rendered from a custom file format that I call: .spr, I plan to make a special format for sprites, and of course, I am still working on them.

And I apologize for not uploading anything lately, I have been busy doing things, working on my engine is one of them, I will try to make this channel as active as possible.

Thanks to my Patreon supporters!:
-Rex $2

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