Top 10 Best Handguns for Ankle Carry 2022

2 years ago

Top 10 Best Handguns for Ankle Carry 2022

Ankle-carry has lost popularity in recent years, owing in part to the Kydex revolution and the availability of excellent, reliable single-stack pistols available. Concealing small pistols has never been easier thanks to today's in-the-waistband holster materials. Ankle holsters, on the other hand, are awkward, out of the way, and difficult to reach. However, they are not yet gone.


Which handgun would you prefer for ankle carry? And, why? Please let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. This would help others when purchasing one.

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🕒 Timestamps 🕒
00:00 Introduction
00:37 Sig P365
01:30 Glock 43
02:14 S&W M&P9 Shield
02:56 Walther PPS M2
03:47 Ruger LC9s or EC9s
04:35 Sig P238
05:29 Colt Mustang XSP
06:14 Ruger LCP Custom
06:47 Beretta Pico
07:09 Kahr P380
08:19 Final Thoughts

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Tags: ccw,holster,pistol,handgun,tactical,glock,handguns,ankle holster,ankle carry,self defense,backup gun,concealed carry,best ankle holster,best ankle holsters,top ankle holsters,best handguns 2022,best compact handguns,best 9mm handgun,best handguns in 2022,best 9mm handguns 2022,best ankle holsters review,top ankle holsters on amazon,best ankle holsters for glock 26,best ankle holsters for glock 42,best ankle holsters for glock 43,handguns for ankle carry,best handguns for ankle carry

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