Can You Turn Dog Poop Into Fertilizer For Trees?

2 years ago

You can compost all kinds of things. This includes organic waste like dog poop. It makes compost that fertilizes trees, and lawns to reclaim nutrients.

The bags used are biodegradable in home composting. They are made with starch. The bucket is a 20L or 5-gallon bucket with a lid. You'll also need plenty of sawdust, shredded paper, or wood shavings.

Materials age from 6 months to a year. Then I put the materials into a hot composting system specific for trees, laws, and non-vegetable crops.

This method removes raw poop from your canine from the natural environment. It doesn't smell. All the bad is removed as enzymes and microbes eat your dog's poop.

Cat poop is a different story. It doesn't compost well and needs mulch longer to become inert. Unfortunately cat waste can contain infectious parasites called Toxoplasma gondii. For details visit

To learn more about organic waste recycling, composting, and fertilization for your homestead, join us at

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