21 Sivan 5782 June 20 2022

2 years ago

21 SIVAN 5782
JUNE 20 2022

DECLARE WITH ME, “I Bring Forth Fruits Of Righteousness As My Mind Is Renewed By Holy Spirit So I Am Now Thinking Right And Acting Right By God’s Powerful Grace Working In Me To Do His Good Pleasure!”

Romans 12:1-2,  And so, dear brothers, I plead with you to give your bodies to God. Let them be a living sacrifice, holy—the kind he can accept. When you think of what he has done for you, is this too much to ask? 2 Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how his ways will really satisfy you.

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