The People with the guns pointed at our children.

2 years ago

It's Gideon Day, The lORD GAVE US HIS sALVATION tONIGHT if in The morning if you disarm the men and women who take up a dewadly virus of lead Bullits evry day to shoot you and your children with, without that , like Buffy St Marie, Without you their is no virus , Without you their is no war, so children all the children that , if you For You It is Burned!!!!!! I Used To Be a little boy, NOw I am a Grown Man in Charge of THe Holy Angles Of God The Light Beings you Need To Fear !!! Dis Arm or You will Be dis aremed . One word against me and you are actively, about Hurting and the threat of you and your God Death !!!! Which you serve For You Use it against Others!!! SO Now It Is The Angles Work , I have ordered Them In Christ To Disarm!!! Those WHO CARRY tHE rEAL vIRUS nOW bRING ME YOUR wEAPONS THAT i MIGHT SLAY YOU AS gOD hAS oRDERED! The Virus is Death , The infected are The Men and women reminding you of who their God is death !!! FOr The Where Him Proudly upon their selves!!! These are the Truly infected WitH The virus which is eternal death!

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