Fulton Sheen an American Prophet! What Did Fulton Sheen Say About America?

2 years ago

Al Smith – Fulton Sheen – A Declaration of Dependance – Sophia Institute Press

“The choice is clear: we will as a nation either go back to God and the moral law and faith in Christ, or we will rot from within. In exiling God from our national life, our politics, our economics, and our education, it was not his heart we pierced - it was America we slew! May God forgive us! “
- Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen, pg 87

“If there are enough of us to be the leven in society, then society shall be saved from its judgment. As true lovers of the justice of God and His cross, we will never love America because it is great; but America will be great because we love her!”
- Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen, Pg. 97

“America must return to God humbly and penitently, for if we continue to forsake God, God will for sake us. He is not only the God of mercy but the God of justice, and though he suffers some to sneer, ‘where is your guard now?’ He in his turn will answer, ‘where are their gods, in whom they trusted…. Let them arise and help you.”
- Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen, pg 36

"There are too many divisions and classes among us in America now; too many hates, to few deep loves; too much tolerance based on expediency, and not enough tolerance grounded in charity; too much tolerance of evil, and not enough intolerance of justice.”
- Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen, page 15

“When the intellect abandons God, it creates an idol or a God of its own; for Nazism, God is the German race, for communism, God is the revolutionary class, fascism, God is the nation; For some American intellectuals who have been trained beyond their intelligence and thus become intelligentsia, God is science, or progress, or democracy.”
- Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen, page 10

“Propaganda agencies in all countries rely more on the necessity of exposing the vices of their neighbors than of the cultivating and preserving their own virtues. It is unfortunate that hatred has become a more rapidly unifying bond among nations than love.”
- Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen, page 8

“There was once a time when men blushed at being caught in a contradiction, but the insane never do.”
- Ven. Archbishop Fulton Sheen, page 5

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