The Welsh UFO Triangle and conference updates. The Paranormal Peep Show May 2022 Ben Emlyn-Jones

2 years ago

Ben Emlyn Jones Welsh UFO Triangle and conference updates Paranormal Peep Show May 2022 .
The controversial Ben Emlyn-Jones joins Andy and Neil on the Paranormal Peep Show this month of May 2022. Ben tells us about his trip to the Outer Limit Conference, where he went in discuise as an old man with sticks, as he feared he would not get in! More of that on Ben's own channel Ben The HR Reporter.

Ben tells us also about his recent trip to Wales, where he took part in a walk about and drive of UFO encounters there, the so called Welsh Triangle, discussing UFOs landing in schools, humanoids in silver suits being eyewitnessed by lorry drivers. possible alien creatures on Rock Stack, who go down through a passage or door way in the rocks, using a kind of stair case. Ben also attended the Weird Weekend Conference, where they had speakers talking about Cryptid creatures, Dog Men, Big Foot and other strange beasts!

Neil discusses strange dreams prioer to the death of his father and possible contact from him on the other side!

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