4 years ago

BEWARE SOCIALIST HAVE TAKEN OVER DEMOCRATIC PARTY!!! - “You cannot preserve individual freedom if the state controls you most basic economic choices.”. - “Once Socialism gets in you can never vote it out!”. - Bernie declared , “we have won the ideological battle.”. If socialist democrats win power in 2020 they plan to rig the system so they can never lose it again!”. - The Democratic Party’s Plan is FUNDAMENTALLY UN-Democratic!!! - Their are socialist & socialism DOES NOT WORK & NEVER WILL!!! The basis of its ideology is UN-Biblical & Anti-God & Pro Death ☠️!!! ... Perhaps 🤔 you, as I, wonder at the way the other side thinks? at where their (or our) heads are at? We’ve been openly accused of being brainwashed by the information bubble if the social media algorithm - (& i think that is what HAS happened to democrats myself) - HOWEVER - I can assure you that for OUR PART - our point of view stems from the principles & perspective of God & the Bible!!! Perhaps this is why it seems so foreign to you!!! I also assure you that the Bible is NOT just some our archaic book filled with legends& myths of primitive peoples whom had low intelligence & knew no better - (as i also once believed) - NO - (in fact if you think 🤔 this its because you have been lied to & brainwashed to believe against it all your life, which is still being being done & reinforced continually, multiple times on multiple fronts daily (you might ask yourself why also)) - the Bible contains the Real Truth & the Principles, Precepts & from the Mind of God for US, as well as relevant instructions & directions for all areas & decisions in life, even in our modern day culture!!!!!! We cast our vote not for a man, nor a party, BUT - to the best of our ability .....

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