Convert Centimeters (cm) to Feet Dimensional Analysis 1- Minute Lessons (Made Extremely EASY!)

2 years ago

This video goes over how to use dimensional analysis to convert centimeters (cm) to feet. This conversion is very common and very easy. Follow the instructions in this video and you will easily be able to convert centimeters (cm) to feet (feet to centimeters (cm) or centimeters (cm) to feet). In your chemistry class you will be confronted with at least one conversion problem. Likely, you will encounter many conversion problems. In order to do any conversion problem, you will need to have an equality between the given and the needed unit. Equalities can be easily transformed into conversion factors.

Dimensional analysis (factor label method) the easy way to perform conversion problems. Indeed, it is important that you have a method to do conversions quickly, correctly and most importantly – easily! Dimensional analysis uses units to accomplish everything. In fact, the units do all the work and you as the scientist only have to let them do the heavy lifting and you can be a pro at converting! First find in the question the given and needed units and the units do the rest. Remember that in any conversion factor or equality the units are married to the numbers! For example, 12 inches = 1 foot. The 12 is ALWAYS with the inches and the 1 is ALWAYS with the foot!

12 inches = 1 foot
2.54 cm = 1 inch

Good Luck and Good Chemistry!

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