Chapter 10, Wycliffe's Work for England

2 years ago

Wycliffe's Work for England
L. Laurenson


1 The Most Interesting Book in the World
2 Rome: Mediaeval and Modern
3 Conversion and Conflict
4 Wycliffe and the National Opposition
5 Wycliffe and the Bishops
6 The "Poor Priests".
7 More about the "Poor Priests"
8 Rome attempts to extinguish the light
9 The Wonder of the Book
10 The Oldest Book in the World
11 The Early Christian Centuries
12 The Rise of the Papacy
13 Christianity in Early Britain
14 The First English Bible


In the preparation of this book the following works have been consulted, and the help received is herewith gratefully acknowledged by the Author.
GREEN: "A Short History of the English People."
TREVELYAN: "England in the Age of Wycliffe."
PENNINGTON: "John Wyclif: His Life, Times, and Teaching."
HOOK: "Ecclesiastical Biography." 6 Vols.
NEAL: "History of the Puritans."
SHORT: "History of the Church of England."
RANKE: "History of the Popes." 3 Vols.
VAUGHAN: "John de Wycliffe, D.D."
ROBERTSON: "The Roman Catholic Church in Italy."
HISLOP: "Two Babylons."
M'KILLIAM "A Chronicle of the Popes."
SYDNEY: "Modern Rome in Modern England."
O'DONNOGHUE: "The Peculiar Doctrines of the Church of Rome."
EUSEBIUS: "Ecclesiastical History." Cruse's Trans.
MILMAN: "History of Christianity." 4 Vols.
WITHROW: "The Catacombs at Rome."
MUSTON: "Israel of the Alps." Hazlit Trans.

By the same author

"Four Points about a Wonderful Book,"
"The Inspiration of the Book,"
"The Vital Importance of the Book,"
"Britain's Open Bible,"
"A Bright Sunset,"
"Those 37000 Children,"
"The Story of Rebekah,"
"The Story of Ruth,"
"The Story of Christianity in Britain."
"Messiah the Prince."
"My Class for Jesus."
"The Great Prophetic Outline." An Exposition of Matthew 24, 25.
"The Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ."
"The Man Who Did His Best."
The Captain's Heroism."
"How Young Hislop Died for the Truth."
"Maggie's Resting Place."
"John Wycliffe's Great Work."
"Bonfires of Bibles."
"The Boy Martyr of Brentwood."
"Mason's Mistake."
"Trying to be a Christian."
The Sailor's Devotion."
"The Sailor's Folly."
"Outline of the Book of Exodus."
"What Saith the Scriptures?" (A Reply to Dr Black.)
"Seven Wonderful Gifts."

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