Dreams Skateboarding meme Compilation Part 6

4 years ago

This is the last of the 6 compilation videos of the "Dreams" Skateboarding meme video where the guy rides down the street drinking Ocean Spray that was uploaded and went viral from Nathan Apodaca AKA 420doggface208. Dr. Phil joined in on the fun and even a Leprechaun who else is going to make the cut Jesus?
#420doggface208 #dreams #fleetwoodmac #videomattpresents

0:08 ©eech & Chong) 0:37 (Stevie Nicks) :52 (Sasquatch) 1:09 (Donald Trump) 1:29 (London Cop) 1:44 (Anime) 2:02 (Some Hot Chick) 2:27 (Cowgirl) 2:34 (Burt & Ernie) 3:01 (Grandma) 3:10 ( Some Dude) 3:41 (Couple Of The Year)

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Original Nathan Apodaca Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcWA2wEFkeY

Nathan Apodaca aka DoggFace is the 37 year old TikTok sensation from Idaho Falls, Idaho. In September 2020 Nathan posted a TikTok video of him skateboarding, listening to Fleetwood Mac, ‘Dreams’ and drinking Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice that went viral around the world. As a result of Nathan’s TikTok video going viral, Fleetwood Mac, “Dreams” 1977 song was back on the music charts at #29, garnering National worldwide attention. Prior to Nathan’s international fame he was working on a potato farm in Idaho and living in a trailer with no running water or electricity. His car was broken down so he skateboarded to work and created the video that the world fell in love with. Fans showered him with over $15,000 in donations and it changed Nathan’s life who takes care of his 2 teenage daughters.

Support DIY Film Creators "Aliens Drink Coffee" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kML7VcHzNUI

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