Cuban Democracy: Cuba is a Lie—Cuba Explained

4 years ago

Cuban Democracy is just another thing showing Cuba is a lie from face value. Much like the story of healthcare and education in Cuba, the bigger picture paints a very different story. It is simple enough to understand why socialism cannot avoid totalitarianism and why it cannot be democratic. As pointed out by the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba mentions, Cuba is a one-party state dictatorship.

AzureScapegoat, however, leads us to believe that there are more than one political party in Cuba, but as mentioned, the voting by the people of Cuba is merely an illusion of democracy, as mentioned, the options are pre-selected and when the people go to vote, they're voting for very little choice. If both pre-selected candidates are socialists, there's nothing of choice and choice is a very big part of what democracy is supposed to be about.

You can find the source here:

I didn't go too much into the argument with regards to the claims AzureScapegoat made claiming Cuba as a democracy, as I've mentioned, socialists make such outrageous claims to the stage you'd have to be crazy to make such outlandish statements and with Cuba being one of the most repressed countries on the planet today it is completely unreasonable to even claim such a country as being democratic.

As mentioned, just because people have a vote doesn't mean to say a country is democratic. If there is no choice and all you are voting for is a choice between Twiddle-dee and Twiddle-dum, you may as well stick with what you've got as it's pretty much just the same thing. Cuban democracy, therefore, is an illusion of choice, it is why Cuba is a lie from face value.

Cuba explained from a socialist perspective is always going to be a lie, you will never get any credible argument other than their desperate attempt to try and convince you that socialism isn't an atrocious failure. Much like the disastrous failures of the likes of the Soviet Union, during the honeymoon phase of each socialist regime the western pilgrims held up such regimes as being _"democratic"_ despite how murderous and clearly dictatorial these regimes were. That should illustrate the fact that the supporters of socialism are willing to sacrfice all reasoning just to protect their precious religious cultist ideology where not even people's lives matter more than socialism.

Even this article shows Cuba's support to prop up Venezuelan dictator, Maduro, which speaks volumes for itself:

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