❌David McGregor ❌ Aged 49 from Dublin

2 years ago

Flew to Leeds and Bradford airport today 20/6/22 to meet what he believed to be a 13-year-old child (decoy )
He booked a hotel for two nights so he could rape the child, he said he would show her a good time, and will teach her sexual things, he had brought condoms with him.
David spoke extremely sexually throughout the chat with the child, going into great detail of what he wanted to do to her.
He asked for indecent images and wanted the child naked on video calls, sent four videos of himself completely naked, and masterbating.
He told the child sex wont hurt you, and she had to trust him, and dont be nervous.
Told the child they won’t get into trouble if it’s kept a secret.
He told the child Don’t let anyone see our texts, and don’t tell anyone!!
He told the child to wear her school uniform when he had sex with her ( rape)
Well done Angel Decoy and Team on the ground.

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