Ridiculous reality and our usual chat.

2 years ago

After coming across, "steady now", some articles reputed to be news I found a few that you may find a giggle but come to think on with shame as those around us lap it up and feed the illusion.

After that I just chat as usual, in general in an attempt to connect with yawl.

Much L❤ve

Johnny❤ Links below.

Male blood donor who refused to say if he was pregnant turned away.


Positive Covid test should mean enforced self-isolation for sufferers, poll suggests.


Passport Office told to ask people for £100 to fast-track applications amid backlog, leaked memo reveals.


Mary Lou McDonald calls for action over cost-of-living crisis as thousands march across Ireland.


Ofsted labels hospital nursery inadequate as 'staff don't know enough about stopping terrorism'.


Uk marches..



Truth is, it will achieve nothing more than what the script reveals so expect a slight pick-up in the publics hope but it WILL ALL FALL to enable what?
The GreatEST reset..of all time.

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