BBC 2006 DOCUMENTARY - The Story Of How Biology and Technology Will Combine To Create A New Human

2 years ago

BBC 2006 Documentary, "The Story Of How Biology And Technology Will Combine To Create A New Human", is about transhumanism, the new human version 2.0 that is planned to happen by 2030. (E.g. Nokia CEO, Pekka Lundmark in WEF, Davos, 2022 said that smartphones will be obsolete to use because the technology will be built into the human body.)

Also, in this documentary, you will learn about the early controversial experiments in the 60s and 70s done by scientists. You will hear about Prof. Hugo, a humanoid AI brain builder at Wuhan University, China. Did you read Wuhan? And names such as Ray Kurzweil and singularity, neuroscientist Jose Delgado, Dr, John Ch.,Prof. Henry Markram, Prof. S. Lloyd, Prof. Miguel Nicolelis, Ted the bomber (hero), etc.

Could the covid-19 shots that change human faces, skin tan, and physical appearance install this technology slowly? The scientific evidence says YES.

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