Venter 'This isn't a fantasy look at the future. We are doing the future'

4 years ago

Etymology Day: The ancient Greeks used the word "eggastrímuthos" (literally, “stomach-speaker”) to describe a symptom of demonic possession—a voice emanating from the body rather than from the mouth. The Latin equivalent was a compound of "venter" (“stomach”) and "loqui-" (“speak”). In other words, a “ventriloquist” was originally someone with demonic voices coming from his belly. The word was later applied to the showman who throws his voice.

Watch Me Unveil Synthetic Life Craig Venter in 2010

What if ? Craig Venter was the Messiah? The Savior of the Archons? The reassembler of the dusty bits of Tiamat and the space-withered penis of Osiris? Traveled the ocean didst Venter...
to scoopeth up all of the free-living Viri in the ocean. Male and female scoopeth he them. Sequenceth them in the gene machine didst he to find out what they be...

Wateh if ? said I: if he be the servant of the Archon Force that permeates the You Nigh Verse with E-ville? What if his task is to seek out his mother Tiamat to reassemble her? to find Osiris' penis with which to fucketh us? To reach down into the depths of Hell to recover the
Dis Semen Ate Ted remains of Satan to reassemble them in a suitable host? What if that host wast Us? Not U.S. (although that is a good first choice for the most-high mindfucked hypnoslaves on the Planet), but Us. As in we. Oui: ewe and eye. A Hu'Man genome project where man beeth the feudal servant of the Demon Lord Hu. How else could a virus walk the planet, unless it hath a vessel to navigate? How else could Tiamat, Osiris, and Hasatan haveth voice if not through our unwilling throats? Five times a thousand years ago dost the Shoe Merry Annes telleth us that Demons had the names of Diseases. Mocketh didst man this idea that Diseases couldst have the name of Demons. So, they fell into their own pit. Followeth he them into the burning pit. The abode of Abbaddon. A bad one. Eateth shit didst they them yet dieth not. Zombified. Host to the Lord of Host became they. Accepting and inviting in the Holy Ghost that means PUPAE. The worm, the maggot casing, the metamorphose of something dead into something animate but not alive. Anu's Mate. Parasite with in a husk.
What if? sayeth Patty the Vine. What if the crashing of the great smoking mountain (isthat the original definition of a stoner?) was merely a way of saying that whatever infall from the Heavens doth rained down upon us that the disconnected bits were originally part of a whole in the hole? What if the bits like viruses that seem to have no other purpose than anti-life began as a form of life that was incompatible with this dimension or ecosystem? What if the Archon is a virus? What if the Archonic virus dist infect, transvect itself into every LIVING thing that it touched? Did not Yanni of Pat My Ass say that when the great star hit the sea that only that which has life died? What an unusual thing to say except that it cometh from a cult of a Cannibal Vampyre Zombie: Unless you eat the flesh and drink the blood of the son of man you have no life in you...and ...he rose from the dead.
Could all this be a cosmic shucketh and jiveth where the herald to us all that they really mean when they say:
Disjointed naked or encapsulated nucleic acids were disseminated across the planetary surface during extraterrestrial bombardment. These chemical sequences came from a cohesive whole that are inimical to Life as it is known on this sphere of existence. These foreign nucleic acids are comprised of conscious material with a physical property of self assembly either through gross mechanical means in natural environments or through influence of parasite on its host to induce the re-assembly of the disentegrated components so that the entire structure as a complete genome can be assembled in a suitable mobile chassis.
page 695, 696
Prion Agenda: Unfolding the Continuum
Patrick Jordan with The Little Red Hens

Meet the first Species who's parent is a Computer as well as the first Species to have a WWW address built into its Genetic Code- DNA....
If you change the software (DNA) inside the hardware (BODY) you change the species..
"By swapping out the chromosome it completely changed one species into another"
Venter-Synthetic Life

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