Those Were the Days | Saturday, June 18th 1994 Part 2

3 years ago

President Franklin D. Roosevelt addresses the nation on
the evening of the D-Day Invasion and asks the nation
to join him in prayer, His address is followed by a special
presentation from Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians
who offer "Onward Christian Soldiers" and "Battle
Hymn of the Republic." NBC. (14:55)

* BOB HOPE SHOW (6-6-44) 10:15 pm EWT.
"Nobody feels like being funny tonight." says Bob Hope
in this special abbreviated broadcast from the Van Nuys
Aerodome in California. "God bless those kids across
the English Channel." Frances Sings "Ave Maria" and
Stan Kenton and the orchestra present a medley of ser-
vice tunes. This is Hope's last show of the 1943-44
season. NBC (14:20)

10:30 pm EWT. Another special Invasion Day program
of inspirational and patriotic music to "help ease the ten-
sion we are all feeling. "Selections include "We're Go-
ing In, We're Coming Back," "The Navy Hymn" and
"Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean." NBC. (20:10)

RED SKELTON SHOW (6-6-44) 10:50 pm EWT.
Red's last radio broadcast before entering military ser-
vice tomorrow is a much-abbreviated show, with Harriet
Hilliard, Ozzie Nelson and the orchestra, and announcer
Marvin Miller. Red, as Junior the Mean Little Kid, in a
touching D-Day sketch. Ozzie and Harriet sing "What Do
We Do in the Infantry?" NBC. (9:50)

D-DAY NEWS SPECIAL (6-6-44) 11:30 pm EWT.
NBC News attempts to pick up a short wave broadcast
from London, a wire recording of correspondent George
Hicks now famous account of the D-Day landing on the
beach. There are many technical difficulties, and while
waiting for the report, NBC switches to Chicago for
dance music by Roy Shields and the orchestra. Finally,
we hear George Hicks' dramatic description of the D-
Day landing and invasion on a French beachhead. NBC

* INVASION NEWS SPECIAL (6-7-44) 11:45 am
EWT. Daytime drama "David Harum" begins, but is in-
terrupted after only a few seconds for a short wave
broadcast from London. Tom Traynor, war correspon-
dent for the Los Angeles Times, has an eyewitness ac-
count of the beachhead at France. NBC. (14:30)

KATE SMITH SPEAKS (6-7-44) 12 Noon EWT. "In-
vasion Day has come and gone." Kate says to her
listeners and tells of the reaction of the people in the
United States. Ted Collins has latest news reports. Kate
recites "Battle Hymn of the Republic." Sanka Coffee,
CBS. (14:15)

Papa David has an invasion prayer and comments. Then
to the regular, continuing story featuring Ralph Locke as
Papa David and Alice Reinhart as ChiChi. Ivory Soap,
CBS. (14:00)

EWT. Bernadine Flynn and Ed Roberts from Chicago:
Alan Jackson reports on the invasion from CBS World
News in New York; Richard C. Hottelet in London. Ber-
nadine Flynn talks about reaction on the home front in
Chicago. Crisco, CBS. (10:30)

GUIDING LIGHT (6-7-44) 2 pm EWT. In an Invasion
Day sermon, Dr. Gaylord tells his neighbors what D-Day
means to the town of Five Points. War bond messages
in place of regular commercials. General Mills, NBC.

W. W. Chaplain reports from London. BBC reporter
Robin Duss describes the landing, indicates that Allied
casualties will be heavy. SHAFE issues D-Day Com-
munique #4: "Allied troops have cleared all the beaches
of enemy." NBC (14:35)

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