Jimmy Dore Goes On Amazing Rant On Tucker Carlson, Calls Everyone Out [VIDEO]

2 years ago

Jimmy Dore Goes On Amazing Rant On Tucker Carlson, Calls Everyone Out [VIDEO]

Red Voice Media Published June 18, 2022

News and Commentary
"'Jimmy, why do you go on Tucker Carlson?' Because they won't invite me on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS…any of the other ones. I will go to bring the message anywhere they will have me.”

By Gregory Hoyt
June 18, 2022

Comedian and political commentator Jimmy Dore, who became most famously known during his tenure with the liberal news outlet The Young Turks, appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show, where Dore delved into the Biden administration’s numerous faults amidst the ongoing economic crisis.

Sharing the segment during his podcast, Dore claimed to have gotten flak from his audience for having the audacity to appear on Carlson’s program. However, Dore explained that none of the other mainstream media outlets would extend an invite for him to share his take on current events.

“So, a lot of people got upset again. I went on Tucker Carlson yesterday, and people don’t like that I talked to his audience. So ‘Jimmy, why do you go on Tucker Carlson?’ Because they won’t invite me on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS…any of the other ones. I will go to bring the message anywhere they will have me.”

Cutting to the Fox News segment, Dore poked fun at how the Biden administration is seemingly blaming Russia for everything that is awry in the United States – from gas prices to inflation – while remarking how Biden believes Russia can do all that while Russia can’t manage to keep their vodka on American store shelves.

“Russia is very powerful. They control a lot of things. They overthrew our government, they committed a coup on America, they control the gas prices, and Russia is responsible for our inflation. And let me just tell you, last time I checked, Russia couldn’t get their good vodka into Trader Joe’s. So I don’t think they’re really controlling everything like they say they are.”

Dore exclaimed that Democrats want to be able to shift the blame for everything askew right now to anyone. Still, themselves, claiming that the Putin excuse being levied by the Biden administration “is a proxy for Trump hate.”

“The Democrats right now are in power. They have complete control of government. And like all politicians, they don’t want to take the blame for anything. They want you to blame everybody and everything or anybody in anything for the pain that you’re feeling right now except blame them, the people with the power right now. And so that’s why everything comes back to Putin because Putin is a proxy for their Trump hate.”

When it comes to the economy, Dore stated that this is all on Biden and his “policies,” adding that if Trump had tried anything similar during his time in office, in terms of blaming everything on Putin, then the mainstream media would be mocking his blame-Putin strategy.

Yet when it comes to Biden, Dore stated the mainstream media is “coddling” him, referencing Biden’s recent appearance on Jimmy Kimmel’s late-night show, where the president was at times making little sense when speaking.

“These are Joe Biden’s policies that are wrecking the dollar that are propping up the ruble – it’s stronger than it’s ever been – and they’re blaming a foreign country. Imagine if Trump did that? They’d be making jokes about it every night on the nightly news. Of course, I mean the nightly talk shows, but of course, they’re not. They’re all coddling. You saw Jimmy Kimmel have to coddle that old man, the guy who probably got stuck in a couch before he left that place.”

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