
2 years ago

Saturday, June 18, 2022 -

A. Read Nehemiah 9: 17
B. Forgiveness. Ceasing to feel resentment for wrongs and offenses; pardon, involving restoration of broken relationships. Primarily, forgiveness is an act of God, releasing sinners from judgment and freeing them from the divine penalty of their sin. Since only God is holy, only God can forgive sin (Mk 2:7; Lk 5:21). Forgiveness is also a human act toward one’s neighbor, given new incentive and emphasis in the NT because of God’s forgiveness in the death of Christ. Hence forgiveness is a uniquely Christian doctrine.
C. In other religions, forgiveness does not have the same force. In animism, there is no awareness of a personal relationship with God. In Hinduism, all have to pay the inexorable consequences of karma in the wheel of reincarnations. Buddhism likewise knows nothing of a forgiving God. The idea is present in Islam, but there is no personal God and Father. Even in Judaism, forgiveness remains a limited experience, though forgiveness as developed in the NT adds dimension to the teaching of the OT.
D. Concise Oxford Dictionary - noun the action of forgiving or the process of being forgiven.
E. 100% Rule – 1. You are 100% responsible for what you SAY.
2. You are 100% responsible for what you DO.
3. You are 100% responsible for your ATTITUDE.
4. You are 100% NOT responsible for what someone else SAYS
5. You are 100% NOT responsible for what someone else DOES
6. You are 100% NOT responsible for what someone else’s ATTITUDE
A. Parable of 2 Debtors – Luke 7: 40-50

III. Closing
A. 2 Chronicles 7: 13-15
B. 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 – Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? (20) For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.

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