How to control your emotions when you're dealing with evil scumbags

2 years ago

Do not give your infant's this garbage vaccine. If you want to give a medicine to your children, do not entrust those who have arrogantly poison society with drugs like Oxycontin that they knew was synthetic heroin, made by wicked scientist to be more addicting than actual heroin!

They knew these drugs, given to people in pain as a painkiller would destroy lives, and place innocent people, in savage addiction cycles, because they engineered the drugs to be addicting, they clearly did not give a damn about destroying human lives and families.

Now these same pieces of shit, who avoided any penalty for destroying millions of families, want to tell you that they've made a "vaccine" for your babies!

Do not trust these filthy animals with the lives of good men, women and children.

We must demand all profit be removed for medicine, government service and education.

I am willing to go to war for these principles, I am willing to kill for these principles and I am willing to die for these principles and I will say this to anyone's face fearlessly.

I have come to partner with you, I have been sent to make it clear to you that apart we are mild like drops of water, but united under God's decree, following the true path.

We can become the mighty ocean that drowns them.

I do not want money, I do not accept donations, I do not have a store.

Moreover, I will not take your money, even if you were to hurl it at me, I would hurl it back to you.

I will be paid for my services, in full and beyond on the day of Judgement,

So right now I do not concern myself with these things, my concern is putting together an army to bring down wickedness, my concern is to spread the message.

I am looking to unite honorable men and women that have had enough, to join this Army and do something about it.

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