ep.23.When you walk let your heart lead the way, and you'll find love any day! Remember who you are.

2 years ago

Accept yourself for all you may or may not be. Honor your parents for what they created. As imperfect as we all are never disrespect where you have come from or the God that gave you your particular life. All the worlds a stage where men enter and exit. Your life has purpose in all that it may be. If you're a male 5'8" tall you simply are not meant to be 6'4". Deal with it. If you're a female and don't have "show girl" looks deal with that. Life is all about overcoming your demons, wants desires and fears. There'd be ZERO spiritual growth for you if you had it all exactly as you thought you wanted it. Strive for what you will strive for but remember, be in service to others and avoid sentencing and obligating yourself to certain desires that will lead you into a lifetime of unhappiness. Remember who you are!

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