Real giant in old video

2 years ago

Giants are human-like monsters of enormous size and strength who figure in mythology and folklore from all around the world. The term "giant" was coined in 1297 and is taken from Greek mythology's Gigantes (Greek: v[1]).

Giant peoples are depicted as primal creatures linked with chaos and the untamed nature in numerous Indo-European mythologies, and they are typically at odds with the gods, whether Olympian, Celtic, Hindu, or Norse. Giants also frequently appear in the myths and folklore of non-Indo-European peoples, such as in Nartian tales.

Giants are also mentioned in the Old Testament. Some of them are referred to as Nephilim, a term that is sometimes translated as "giant," though this translation is not universally accepted. Goliath, Og King of Bashan, the Nephilim, the Anakim, and the Egyptian giants recorded in 1 Chronicles 11:23 are among them. The Nephilim are first mentioned in Genesis 6:4; they are described as having amazing power and physical proportions.

Fairy tales like "Jack the Giant Killer" have shaped our present picture of giants as ignorant, aggressive monsters who eat humanity, particularly children (though this is actually a confusion with ogres, which are distinctly cannibalistic). In "Jack and the Beanstalk," the ogre is frequently described as a gigantic. Some giants in more contemporary depictions, such as those by Jonathan Swift and Roald Dahl, are both intellectual and friendly.

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